We created this special area to give lovers of great sex stories a place to visit (often), and read some of the best adult erotica around. The stories are all good quality erotic tales, no two paragraph wonders here. We selecetd the stories becuase they were good, solid, involved, and HOT. We are constantly on the lookout for more quality stories for our site. Our goal is to make this THE STORY SITE for the entire net, the pace you will send your friends... we want you to some back often. So, it is best that you hit CONTROL-D on your keyboard now, and add us to your bookmarks. Finally, a short note about copyright. The material on this site is copyighted, we appreciate if you don't pass it around on newsgroups or whatever. If you think a story is hot, then post something on the newsgroups about our site and get more people to visit. BOOKMARK Hit Ctrl-D and come back often! Here are the hot erotic stories sections:
contains stories that are either submitted by the authors for use on the site
or that a fee has been paid for the rights to reproduce the stories. We do
not skim
newsgroups or other sites for content.