Dinner with Weddy Wendy looked at me from across the table. "You're such a sweetheart! Taking me to dinner for my birthday!", she bubbled. "Well, I thought I should do something. After all, you are my best friend.", I replied. She smiled. The smile was my entertainment for the evening. Wendy's taller than I am, about 6 feet tall, with long red hair, and very expressive blue eyes. She's not model-thin by any standard, but she has long legs, and she's not fat. She was my best female friend in the world, but she wasn't my girlfriend. When I first met her, I indicated that I was interested in her, but she had replied that I really didn't turn her on in that way. She said she really liked me, and she wanted me to be a part of her social circle. Since one can never have too many friends, I put my fantasies away, and accepted. The fact that Wendy also knew a LOT of single women didn't influence my decision at all. She lit a cigarette and exhaled leisurely, smiling at me . Regarding the champagne, she cooed, "You're not going to try and get me drunk with this champagne and take advantage of me?" She knew the answer to the question, so I answered. "Nope. You've already told me that it will never happen between us. So, I've given up all hope, and at the end of the evening, I'll go home to my bed, and you'll go home to yours'." "That's good. I didn't want to spoil the evening.", she said, abruptly bringing the conversation back to reality. "Don took me to Chicago for my birthday weekend.", she sighed. "It was wonderful. And a surprise." The words almost collapsed under the weight of their meaning, and she got a faraway look in her gorgeous eyes. Suddenly I was uncomfortable, and we only made small talk through the meal, and then after we were done, we left the restaurant in silence. "What are you thinking'?", I asked figuring that the memory of her lust- filled birthday weekend had taken her far away from the crowded street we were on. "It's a really nice night. Want to sit at a sidewalk cafe for a while and have some wine? I don't have to go home right now." We sat down and made some more small talk while watching people go by. Life was OK for the moment, I decided, at least until she broke the mood by announcing that it was time for her to go home. I paused and watched her. The way that she sat, relaxed, with her long legs crossed, her eyes a little sleepy from the meal. She took a puff from her cigarette, tilted her head back slightly to exhale... Somehow I got lost in the curve of her neck and throat, and the way her red hair cascaded around her face and shoulders... "Hello? Anybody home? It's me, Wendy. Yoo hoo!" The voice cut through my reverie like a knife. "What were you just doing?" "Uhhh-errr-uhhh... nothing. Really. I was just thinking." "Bullshit. You don't watch me that closely when you're just thinking. Out with it, c'mon. You were thinking about getting me in bed, and I caught you at it again!", she playfully scolded. Embarrassed, I tried to find a way out of my predicament. She looked at me with a mixture of expectation and triumph, and I had no options. I did the only thing I could. I told the truth. "I was watching you smoke." She raised her eyebrows, indicating skepticism. "Actually, to be more correct, I was watching you as you smoked. The way that your hair frames your face on one side, the curve of your neck, and the incredibly feminine air you were projecting just then." Her raised eyebrows had become wide eyes of surprise. She was quiet a moment, and I worried that I might have sounded like a fruitcake. She put out her cigarette, lowered her head and narrowed her eyes. I waited for her to bury the dagger in my chest. Instead, she began softly, "You know, I've got this... umm... like... a... fantasy?" She hesitated, trying to gauge my reaction. "Go ahead, I'm listening." "Well, you know, I've always wanted to be like-umm...ummm...one of those slinky women you see in the old movies..." "You want to be a femme fatal." "Yeah, that's it. That's what I was trying to think of. Unfortunately, women my size can't be femme fatales." "Bullshit!" ran through my mind, but any further thoughts were stifled by the reality of my situation. She continued, "You know, I even have a holder - don't look so funny, I bought it as part of a Halloween costume, OK? - but these skinny cigarettes I smoke kept falling out." She spoke rapidly, still keeping her voice low, indicating that she was sharing a confidence with me. I didn't speak right away, because I was thinking about what she had said. Then I realized she was waiting for me to say something. "If you want, I can fix your holder so that it'll work with your cigarettes. I had to do it for a holder used as a prop in a stage play once." Her eyes put on an impromptu fireworks display for me. "You can? Really?", she asked enthusiastically. I nodded, and she gave me a sisterly kiss on the cheek. Sigh. Let's just be friends can be hell sometimes, you know? This discussion seemed to rev her up, and we talked animatedly for an hour or two before saying our good-byes. She came by to drop off her holder the next day, but she had tons of things to do for a party on Friday, and she couldn't stay. She asked me if would I bring it when I came to the party, and I said sure. She greeted me at the door to her house on Friday. I made a mock bow, and presented her with the refitted holder. She gave a little squeak of joy, and kissed me on the cheek. She led me into the party, immediately put a cigarette in the holder, and lit it. She walked around the party showing off her new toy, and playing the elegant hostess. The party had thinned and it was getting a little late when the doorbell rang. I heard her exclaim, "Oh my god! What are YOU doing here? Oh I'm so glad you came!" About ten seconds later, she walked into the living room with a good-looking guy her height, who had strong arms and dark hair. His bushy moustache lent him the air of a pirate. She turned to me and gushed, "Craig, this is Don." Her eyes were shooting off more fireworks than the Fourth of July as she looked at him. They hadn't done that all night. "Wendy has told me so much about you!", Don said warmly. "Great." Jokingly, I added, "Do you want to kill me now, or later?" We both laughed, but she just kept up the fireworks display. I talked with him a while; she was uncommonly quiet. Finally, I said it was time for me to leave, and Don shook my hand warmly. Wendy patted me on the back. It was an almost absent-minded gesture. I walked back to my car with a boulder in the pit of my stomach. I didn't see or hear from Wendy at all for two weeks following the party; she didn't return my phone call. Just when I was getting ready to kick myself for being such a fool over this woman I could never have, she called me. "Hi!" "Hi stranger, long time no hear.", I replied, trying to keep ice in my voice; it wasn't working. "I'm sorry, really. I've just been insanely busy over the last couple of weeks." Right. Insanely fucking Don's brains out, I thought bitterly. She continued, "Can I come over for dinner this week? Remember, you said all I had to do was give you a day's warning, and you'd cook for us." Glumly, I remembered my promise, tendered early on in our friendship when she was a starving grad student. She wasn't starving anymore, nor was she a grad student; but a promise is a promise. Besides, I figured, I could complain to her about my ex-girlfriend, who had been trying to make a pest of herself recently. "Wednesday OK?" "Super! You're a real sweetheart. See you then!", and she hung up. I wasn't sure at that point whether half a loaf was better than none. Wednesday, she arrived dressed casually in knock-around shorts and a blouse. The shorts exposed the long legs that I fantasized about, and I drooled. She wasn't dressed up, she wore no makeup; I wanted her anyway, even if she wasn't all glamorous. I also knew better. While dinner was cooking, I brought up the subject of my ex. "Liz has been hanging around lately, going to the places where I hang out, so I'll run into her and have to speak with her." "Have you tried telling her to fuck off? If she doesn't get the message from that, then she's incredibly dense." "I suppose I should tell her to leave me alone..." "The trouble with you is that you're too polite, even in situations which call for nastiness." Once again, she pinned me down, making me feel uncomfortable. I changed the subject abruptly. "Dinner should be ready. So let's eat." Wendy sensed that I was avoiding the subject at hand, and she signaled her displeasure by not talking to me during dinner. I got the message. After I cleared the dishes, I knew she'd wait for me to talk about Liz. "Liz is really getting on my nerves...", I began, and Wendy jumped in. "Only because you let her. You know, there are extremely neurotic women out there, just waiting to fuck with your head, because they like being able to do it. She's one of those women, I can tell." "I guess you're right. But it's so hard for me to tell somebody to eat shit and die." She pulled her cigarettes and holder from her purse. She broke the conversation to ask, "Light, darling?" I lit it and continued to vent my frustrations. "She never wanted to deal with me unless she had a problem. It was always her, her, her. So when Liz decided to see somebody else, I stopped talking to her, and thought that was the end of it. Now she's trying to...force...", my voice died as she took a drag in that incredibly feminine way of hers'. "Go on, I'm listening. She was trying to force you to what?", Wendy asked, sitting forward. "I was saying that she was..." I gave up, and addressed the subject on my mind. "I'm sorry, but do you have any idea of how distracting you are when you do that?" "Do what?" "All the little gestures that attend your smoking. There's something that I find fascinatingly feminine about it. Also, I'm going to argue with you. They do make femme fatales in your size." Wendy blinked and looked at me. "Is it the holder? I'm sorry. I've been using it a lot around the house 'cause I like it, and I thought you wouldn't mind. I'll put it away." "It's not the femme fatal thing. Sometimes you can be incredibly feminine when you fucking breathe, for chrissakes!" Silence. She then leaned back in the chair, and took a long, slow drag. She held the smoke for a second, then exhaled a fine stream of smoke. The effect devastated me. I felt a small chill run up my spine. She removed the cigarette from the holder, and put it out. "Feminine, huh?", she asked. I could only nod, trapped between my fantasies and her presence. "Don never says that about me. I'm female, all right, as far as he's concerned, because we have lots of sex. But feminine is one thing he never mentions to me." I was still speechless. Her mention of sex with Don had broken the spell, but I was wondering where she was going with this conversation. "Don thought the holder was a gag, and he couldn't understand why I bothered with it. I told him about the femme fatal fantasy, and he just shrugged it off. He still wanted to fuck, so we did, but I never realized until then how important being feminine was to me. I guess since I'm so tall, and not really thin, I have a chip on my shoulder about it or something." "Well, I've definitely noticed, and I'm sure he does, too.", I bravely said, trying to sound like the neutral friend I was supposed to be. Wendy shook her head. "No, he doesn't. I'm sure of that." She leaned forward. "You think I'm feminine?" "Definitely. As a matter of fact, I'm trying to ignore that fact right now, and having precious little success." She smiled at that, and leaned forward to give me a kiss. Wendy pecked me briefly on the lips, much to my surprise. Then she leaned forward again, and very slowly kissed me. I felt her tongue push between my lips. I moaned slightly, and closed my eyes, savoring the sensation of her tongue exploring my mouth. She broke the kiss and sat up after an all-too-short time. Fireworks were going off in my head, and my stomach was doing flip-flops. I opened my eyes, and saw that her face was red, and she was breathing a little heavily. When Wendy spoke, it was in a low, throaty voice that I had never heard from her before. "I enjoyed that." "So did I. You don't know - yes, you do - how long I've wanted that." "Is that all you've ever wanted from me?", her voice quiet, blue eyes daring me to say what was on my mind. I accepted their challenge. "Bedroom's around the corner.", I said, trying to sound relaxed, when I was anything but. She stood up, tossed her head and held out her hand. I took it, and she led me to my bedroom. Wendy turned to face me, and opened her mouth expectantly. We kissed passionately, stopping briefly only to come up for air a couple of times. When we broke the kiss, Wendy slipped off her blouse and bra in a surprisingly easy motion. She sat down on the bed and wiggled out of her shorts. She wore no panties. "Oh my god, Wendy...", I started as I looked at her naked for the first time. I could barely get the words out. This was the moment I had dreamed about for two years, and I was having a hard time believing that it was really happening. "What's the matter?" she asked, "Is there..." I swallowed hard and interrupted her anxious question. "No. It's just that you're so... gorgeous." She had freckles all over her body, and the flush of arousal was very evident. Her nipples stood on top of her small breasts, begging for attention. She watched apprehensively as I looked at her in detail, especially when I gaped at her long legs. "They're not model's legs. They're sort of big and my thighs are definitely too big." I couldn't believe what I was hearing. "Hush! I don't want to hear what's wrong with your body. Especially when I'm looking at the sexiest woman on the face of the planet." She sat up and undid my shorts, pulling down my underwear at the same time. I took my tee shirt off. I sat down next to her on the bed. She lay down, and I touched her body tentatively. Her body was so hot to the touch! I kissed her gently, and Wendy ran her hands lightly down my back. I nuzzled her neck; her back arched slightly, and a soft moan escaped her lips. I kissed her throat, and murmured something about how sexy it was. Wendy whispered, "You vampire.", and pushed my head toward her breasts. I ran my tongue down the middle of her body, right between her breasts, and stopped at her belly button. I stopped there, and she pushed my head into her belly. I retraced my lick, and then slid my tongue across her body from one nipple to the other. "Ahhh!", was her vocal reaction, and her hips twitched. I started to pay attention to the closest breast. I ran my tongue around the nipple, and deliberately ignored the now-hard nipple. I moved my mouth to the underside of her breast. I felt her shiver, so I spent a little more time exploring the "dark side of her twin moons." I moved to her lonely nipple, flicked my tongue lightly across it. Wendy was panting now, and she had started playing with my cock. I drew the nipple into my mouth, and began to play with the other nipple with my fingers. Wendy made a loud sucking noise, her body jumped, and she wrapped both arms around me. I stopped sucking, then drew air across her wet nipple by inhaling through my mouth. The cooling sensation proved too much for Wendy. "Ohh-ohhhh!", she moaned as her body convulsed and she rolled her head from side to side. Her legs flailed weakly. She grabbed my head and pulled me to her face. We kissed eagerly. "Ooooh...I want you", she whimpered. Wendy's eyes were smoldering, and I was suddenly aware that I was hornier than I had ever been in my life. But she couldn't have me yet. I wanted this to last, since it was going to be my only chance. "Not yet. I want to taste you, Wendy. I've waited and waited for so long..." "Two years. Patience like that shouldn't go unrewarded.", she finished. "I can wait for you.", she purred. The initial torrid passion had been replaced by a less frenzied, warm, romantic approach toward the inevitable. I ran my hands down her body, to her feet, then back up the insides of her legs. I barely touched her when I came to her inner thighs, wanting to see what reaction it would provoke. Wendy sighed, and spread her legs wider. I leaned forward, and she grabbed my head. "But I won't wait forever.", she giggled and pushed my face into her pussy. "Mmmf!", was all I had time to say before my face was smeared with her juices. So much for leisurely, warm, gentle romance. I attacked her sweet pussy with an oral vengeance. I ran my tongue all over the outside of her cunt lips, then stuck it in her cunt, and ticked her clit with my nose, of all things. "Yesss!", she squealed, and her hips rolled. I wet two fingers, stuck them in her already soaking wet cunt, and started my tongue on her clit. Whatever had been holding back her orgasm collapsed completely. "Hu-uuhh-- uuhh-ooohhhh!", she wailed. Wendy's hips bucked wildly, her cunt pumped at my fingers, and a small flood washed out of her. She was moving so much that I couldn't keep my mouth at her clit; somehow, in the middle of all this, she wrapped her legs around my neck, locking me in the right place. "Ohh, oohhh... uuhhh... hnnnf... nnfff! You're - making - me - COME!!!", she gasped, yelping with each breath. My mouth and fingers kept her in a state of near-continuous climax. I got tired of driving her wild before she got tired of orgasms, but she didn't release me from the grip of those long legs until she had come all the way down. "You look funny. Your ears are all squashed up and your nose is pretty flat!", she giggled. "I'm not used to wearing 'eau de Wendy', and it's a little sticky, OK?", I said defensively as I flexed my neck. She sat up, and I saw the fireworks display she had put on at the party in her eyes. This time, it was for me. Wendy kissed me, sucking on my tongue. She pulled away, and gently began to lick my face, cleaning her juices off my face. The thought of what she was doing as well as the sensation of her flicking tongue made my forgotten cock stand at attention. We kissed sweetly. Wendy eased me onto my back, swung a leg across my body and mounted me in such a graceful motion, I was almost taken by surprise when I felt myself enter her. Her pussy felt like wet, warm silk, clinging to my cock. I was in ecstasy. Wendy arched her head back and gave a little sigh. She rotated her hips, and tossed her red hair around her head. It was very hypnotic. She looked dreamily at me, and leaned forward. I pulled her head to mine, and aggressively kissed her. Wendy eagerly responded, and started sliding back and forth on my cock. I held her and bucked at her as best I could. Wendy had started moaning, and she changed her hip motion every few seconds. "You like that?", she panted as she pumped at me. "Feel good?", she moaned. I was in heaven. She leaned forward again, and we kissed some more. "She started to urge me on. "Come in me! I want you to come in me! Oooh baby please come in my pussy!", she moaned in my ear. That was it for me. "Ohhh, Wendy - great!" was all I could say as the orgasm ripped through my body. My cock came and my balls granted Wendy's request with more come than I thought I'd produce in my entire life. Wendy slowed her pumping, and began to gently roll her hips around. I could feel her pussy squeezing every drop of come out of my cock. Her mission apparently finished, Wendy gave a contented sigh, and we kissed for a long time. She nuzzled my neck, I called her a vampire. Wendy laughed, and gave me a hickey. She stood up, and walked out of the room. I knew that I'd never forget the time I'd just had with her. I didn't know that we weren't finished. I heard her rummaging around in the living room. Then I heard a lighter click. Aha! She wanted a post-sex smoke. A few seconds later, Wendy appeared in the bedroom doorway, still naked, and posed seductively with her cigarette holder. Lying on the bed, I gaped at her, nearly awe struck by the - literally - smoky sensuality she exuded. "Wow.", I said, in a much weaker voice than I had intended. Wendy smiled and inclined her head. "Thank you.", was all she said. She walked in, her legs again capturing my imagination, and sat down next to me on the bed. I just watched her as she smoked, and reached to touch her. My hand found a breast, and I absent- played with her nipple. Wendy suddenly put her cigarette out, turned to me with fire in her eyes, and said, "I can smoke any time." She promptly turned the other way and put my cock in her mouth. I moaned. "More?" "Mmmm-hmmm.", she nodded with my cock still in her mouth. She opened her mouth, then flicked her tongue across the head of my dick, and it sent little electric shocks through me. My cock stirred. Wendy smiled, tossed her head -oh god was it sexy the way she did that! - and resumed sucking me. She massaged my cock with her mouth and it wasn't long before I was completely hard again. "Ready?", I asked. "No, baby, I'm not... but you are.", she smiled at me devilishly, and licked my cock from base to crown. Wendy flicked her tongue around the sensitive rim, and used her tongue to clean the pre-cum from the tip. She also tried to put her tongue in the opening, and I shuddered with delight. She licked my cock all over again, then started to bob and swirl her head around the top. She slowly took more of me in her mouth with the bobbing and swirling motion. Her red hair flew around, threatening to hypnotize me yet again. Suddenly she stopped, and took my cock out of her mouth. The cool air slowed the approach of my orgasm, and brought me back from ecstasy. She gave me a mischievous look. Then she bobbed her head quickly and swallowed my cock. I felt her teeth in my pubic hair. Wendy held my hips firmly down, and slowly withdrew from my cock. I gurgled incoherently, and all she did was smile. She swallowed me again quickly, and released me slowly. Then she went down on me slowly, looking at me with that smile. She paused, looked at my cock lovingly, and slowly eat me again. I started to whimper and gurgled louder, signaling that I was about to come. She released my cock to the air one last time...then she sucked the head hard, running her tongue around the underside. My hips bucked once, I saw stars, and came. She kept sucking my come while I moaned incoherently. She stopped as my spasms got weaker, and moved quickly to kiss me. Wendy grabbed my head with one hand, and rammed her tongue into my mouth. My eyes shot wide open. "MMMMFFF!", I tried to protest, but she had a good hold of my head and I couldn't resist tasting my sperm. I felt her body quiver, and I became aware of the fact that Wendy's other hand was busy between her legs. I pulled her hand away, and forced it between our mouths. We sucked on her fingers, and her juices as well as mine. I put my hand between her legs to finish what she had started. She rubbed her body against mine, and we kissed a lot. Her orgasm was a little one, only evidenced by a very quiet, purring, "Oooohhh." We fell asleep, holding each other. My last conscious thought was "It was worth the wait. Will it be another two years or never again?" I woke up the next morning alone in my bed, after a deep, restful sleep. I remembered the vivid dream I had had, and shivered as the details ran through my mind. I thought that my infatuation with Wendy was getting out of hand. I could even smell... I was EXTREMELY distracted at work for the rest of the day. I called Wendy, but she wasn't in her office, and her voice mail said she would be back around two. I waited for her return call, and the clock slowed to a snail's pace. At about three, Wendy called and asked if I wanted to meet her for an after-work beer at my favorite sidewalk cafe. I agreed, and she said, "Can't talk... gotta run. See ya there." We met as planned, and she gave me a short, wet kiss before sitting down. She sat, ordered a beer, and merrily babbled about her day, pausing only to sip her beer and smoke. I never got a word in. After we finished our beer, Wendy rose and said, "I'm ready to go eat now. I'll pay since you don't look like you're eager to cook. Remember, I'm not a student anymore, love." I shrugged, because I didn't feel like cooking, but after what had happened the last time I made her dinner, I wanted to try that recipe again. "Where do you want to go?", I waved my arms to indicate the plethora of restaurants within walking distance. "How about we go to your place and call out? There's that delivery service from different restaurants. I'm in the mood for something different." I couldn't believe what I was hearing. The untouchable woman of my fantasies had spent last night with me, and now wanted to go right back to my place. "OK!!! I have the list of restaurants and menus from the delivery company." I couldn't contain my enthusiasm. When we got to my place, Wendy looked at the menu book, and quickly chose an upscale restaurant specializing in gourmet food. I blinked, but since she was paying, I wasn't going to argue. As soon as she put the phone down, she resumed the conversation (monologue?) where she stopped it at the cafe, and I thought she was on something. "Wendy!... Wendy!... SLOW DOWN! YOU ARE MAKING ME NERVOUS!" She blushed. "Where did this conversational energy come from? Do you realize that I have hardly said a word until now?" Wendy smiled sheepishly, and lowered her eyes. "Sorry. It's just that when I get excited and happy, I talk non-stop. You already know that. After two years...You remember when I turned in my thesis, better still, remember when I passed my orals?" "How could I forget? I remember you getting extremely drunk, and I had to drive you home. The next morning. After you had damn near gotten me killed when you flirted with that guy and then came to talk to me." I paused, remembering how the guy in question had cocked his fist to hit me. Fortunately, he was only a little less drunk than Wendy, and he broke his hand on the wall. I also remembered how she moaned about how sick she was, and how she decorated my carpet. She slept in my bed that night, but I stayed in the living room. Wendy had gotten me into her conversation, and away from the questions on my mind. By the time I found another opening, dinner had arrived. "Craig, do you have any candles, and something to put them in?" "Of course! Every romantic has candles and a candle-holder. Look in the second drawer, below where I keep the silverware." She found them and set the table. When she had finished, she turned the lights off, and closed the curtains in the apartment. Wendy had created a romantic dinner for two, and she did it right in front of my face, without my noticing. Dinner was fantastic. The gourmet restaurant earned its reputation, I decided. My mind drifted through various fantasies of me and Wendy. We relaxed after dinner, faces illuminated by candlelight, the wonderful meal occupying the conversation. Wendy put a cigarette in her holder. (Was she using that thing an awful lot, or what?) She lit it with one of the candles, and exhaled leisurely. Damn, she looked awful sexy in the candlelight and... My cock stirred. I shifted uncomfortably in my seat. Wendy looked at me and shook her head. "Craig, you are the most dense individual I've ever met. Here I am, trying to seduce you, and you don't even blink." So that's what she was excited and happy about? "I hate to say this, but when I woke up this morning, I thought that last night was only a dream at first." "A dream???", she cried. Wendy put her cigarette holder down, walked over to me, and took my hand. She lifted her dress and put my hand between her legs. Her panties were soaking wet. "Does this feel like a fucking dream, Craig??? Sweetheart, you've been sleeping alone far too long. But we can fix that." Wendy kissed me briefly, turned, and then headed for the bedroom. I was still sitting in the dining room in shock. "Are you going to fuck me or do I have to do myself?", she yelled after a minute. I got up and went around the corner. I saw Wendy's naked body stretched out on my bed. She rubbed her pussy with one hand. My erection throbbed painfully, still trapped in my clothes. I undressed very quickly. My cock stood out from my body. "See? HE remembers me.", Wendy pouted, and pointed at my dick. I climbed onto the bed and went to suck her pussy. She stopped me, and said, "If you want to taste me, here." She stuck four of the fingers that had been playing with her pussy in my mouth. "I want you to fuck me - NOW.", she hissed. I didn't have to be told again. I put my cock at the entrance to her dripping-wet cunt, and pushed it in without resistance. I immediately started to hump Wendy, lifting my cock out of her completely before putting it back in on each stroke. Wendy's cunt felt like it was tailored to fit me specially. The walls of her cunt grabbed harder at my dick. She started panting, and then wrapped her legs around my back. "Oh. Ohh. Ohh.", she squeaked with each thrust, and she matched my rhythm. When the initial lust of entry had diminished, I became aware of her pubic bone grinding against mine. I started to slow down, and ground my hips at her when I was all the way in her cunt. She moaned softly, and nibbled on my ear. I stopped at the end of one stroke, mashed my pelvis into hers, then rotated my hips slowly. Wendy's mouth made a little 'O', but no sound came out, and her eyes fluttered. Then it happened. "Ooohhhhhhhh, goddddd, Iiiiiiieeee, uh!". She wailed like a banshee, her hips bucked and rolled, her legs squeezed me tighter, and I felt her cunt gripping and releasing my cock rapidly. I had to stop pumping, but kept rolling my hips with hers. Wendy's face was completely red, matching her hair. She was having trouble breathing, and she kept making little hiccuping noises. Then her hips started to slow down, and her breathing became slower, and deeper. She let out a long moan, and gave me a deep, wet kiss. "Ohhhh, baby. I love you.", she purred in a throaty voice. Then, her voice went up an octave and a half and she squeaked, "Fuck me!" The little girl quality of her voice caught me a little by surprise, and turned me on even more. I started to pump at her with renewed vigor. Wendy egged me on. "Fuck me!... Yeah!... Fuck me!... Fuck me... ohhh... yess ... baby, I want it... fuck - fuck - fuck meee!", she gasped in my ear, pausing to flick her tongue around my face and neck. "Wen - Wendy - I'm gonna - come!", I panted in warning as I felt my balls tighten. The little-girl voice answered. "In me? - I - want - you - in - me. - Come..." I groaned loudly, and my cock felt like it was exploding. I frantically rotated my hips against her while my cock spurted inside her. Wendy cried, "Ohhh, I feel iiiiiit!", and climaxed again. I rolled off of her when my dick got soft enough for her to release me. I was worn out. Wendy sighed contentedly, and rolled over. We kissed for a long time. "You're not dreaming this. Just in case, I'll be staying here tonight, so you won't wake up by yourself in the morning. I'm sorry about last night, but you looked so peaceful this morning, I couldn't bring myself to wake you up. Besides it was dark outside when I left." She looked at me tenderly. My mind told me that now was the time to bring up the subject I had been avoiding all evening. My dick was too tired to object. "Wendy, last night you gave me a blow job, right?" "Ye-es.", she smiled. "Enjoy it?" "God, yes. I saw stars. But... I...", my voice trailed off as I tried to say it. "Ohhh, I see. The kiss afterwards.", she correctly deduced. "Why did you do it?", I asked, rolling onto my side. She stood up, and lazily stretched. Then she started out of the bedroom. "Because I always wanted to do that with a guy. What's good for the goose and all that." I was not amused that she had decided to make a case for equality of the sexes with my come. Wendy reappeared and tossed me her lighter. She sat on the bed and crossed her long legs. I lit her cigarette, and she slowly exhaled. "That kiss is really bothering you isn't it?", she asked. I sat up next to her. "Yes. I'm - uncomfortable with it. You said you always wanted to do that with a guy. What about Don?" "Not a chance. He'd never let me." "What made you think I'd be any more willing than him???" Wendy dragged on her cigarette, and started, "Because,", pausing to exhale smoke, "I'm bigger than you, sweetheart. You had no choice." She continued to smoke, and I tried to come up with a ome back, so the room was silent. She took one last drag, and extinguished her cigarette. "You know, Craig, I came like crazy when you responded to that kiss, and started to kiss me back.", Wendy said, in her low, throaty, seductive voice. "And for that reason, I'm going to want to do it again." "What makes you think I'll let you get me in that situation again?" Wendy fixed me with those wonderful blue eyes. "Because you think I'm the sexiest woman in the world. Because I can seduce you with a flick of my lighter. Because you want me." She flopped back onto the bed. "I'm going out with Don tomorrow night. I'm afraid I won't be able to see you.", she sighed. I felt betrayed, but Wendy continued speaking. "I'm afraid he won't take the news very well." "What news?", I wondered aloud, feeling a little stab of jealous - "That it's our last date." JOY! "Craig, you want to come over to my place Saturday, and play with me?", she lisped. "Only if my mommy says I can." We giggled, and I buried my tongue in Wendy's mouth. We fell asleep after necking gently for a while. Wendy made me feel like a high-school kid. It was after midnight on Thursday. Saturday seemed as if it would never arrive. Wendy called Saturday morning. "Hi Craig!!! What would you say if I asked you out tonight? I want to dress up and go OUT. MY treat. We can have dinner, go for drinks and dancing, and then fuck like rabbits when we get home." Her bluntness shocked me a little. "Wendy...", I paused. "This is a big adjustment for me. After two years of wanting you, and bluntly having been told that I didn't turn you on... Well, it's a major change to hear you talk about fucking my brains out. I mean, I'm tempted to ask if you have the right number." "Sorry. Is that a no to my offer?", she asked innocently. "Where should I be and what time? Did you really think I could turn you down?" "My place. Six or six-thirty. Dress REAL nice." "Your wish is my command, my lady red." There was a brief pause, then Wendy's "sexy" voice spoke. "See you then, baby." The clock immediately stopped moving. After an eternity of waiting, it was time to get ready. I arrived at Wendy's house a little before six. She answered the door still wearing a bathrobe, and her hair was wet. "You're early. I want to primp a little more than usual for tonight. I'll be ready in a bit. Make yourself comfortable, you know where the bar is." Wendy turned to go upstairs, then stopped. "Oh and Craig -" She grabbed my head and rammed her tongue down my throat. I saw stars. She headed upstairs. I fixed myself a drink, and the CD player came on. Apparently Wendy had a very long distance remote control. I sat and replayed the unlikely events of the week. I kept trying to add two and two together, and the total was always seventeen. She had obviously had a serious fight with Don. But why was she seeking comfort in my bed? She occasionally came to me for emotional support, but never for sex. And now that we were fucking our brains out, how long would it last? "Craig? Could you come here for a moment?" My racing mind stopped as it heard the siren's call from upstairs. The CD player suddenly changed. Duke Ellington? "Satin Doll?" When did Wendy get interested in jazz??? I walked out of the den and had a heart attack. Wendy posed at the top of the stairs. She was wearing a black dress that fit her perfectly, revealing all of her gentle curves. One arm strap was off-the-shoulder, sensually revealing extra neckline, and a bit more bare skin. She took a long, slow drag from the cigarette in her holder. Nancy Wilson sang, "Cigarette holder which swings me over his shoulder..." on the stereo. "You like?", she softly asked. I couldn't say anything that was even close to expressing what I felt at that moment. She walked down the steps slowly, with an air of feminine grace. She wore high heels, and they added another few inches to her impressive stature. She arrived at the bottom of the steps, stood a few feet away, and curiously regarded me. "Well? You haven't said a word since I came out of the bedroom." I shook my head and looked at her new hairdo, a short curly style that framed her face perfectly. She had just enough skin exposed to inspire fantasy, without being completely obvious. Wendy had made herself absolutely stunning. "I... I... Words fail to describe how good, no, WONDERFUL, you look." My voice squeaked, and I started to sweat. Wendy walked over to me, leaned, and gave me a kiss on the forehead. Then she wiggled her way into the den. "Baby, would you fix me a cocktail before we go out? You know what I like." She sat on the sofa. The bottle shook in my hands as I watched her cross her legs. It was breath-taking. She gave me a come-hither look, and her blue eyes were laughing and dancing. I was having problems opening the bottle. My throat was dry, I felt dizzy, and my knees wobbled. I figured out what was wrong with me, and forced myself to stop looking at Wendy. I managed to finish making the drink, and brought it over to her. She smiled and took a sip. "Perfect, darling. Thank you." I leaned to kiss her. She put her drink down while our tongues explored. Wendy pulled another cigarette from a gold case, and fit it in the holder. She held it aloft, waiting for me to light it. I gently pushed her arm down and kissed her again. It was short, and very wet. We kissed again, longer, wetter. Her empty hand reached around the back of my head. I reluctantly broke away. Wendy's kissing had given me a ferocious erection. "Mmmmm. That's better than the drink.", Wendy spoke and closed her eyes to indicate that she wasn't finished kissing yet. We kissed again. I heard her drop the cigarette holder on the table, and felt both of her hands in my hair. I came up for air. "I like your perfume.", I said as I stared at her exposed shoulder. Then I looked at her face. "That's a nice blush you picked to put on. It accents your face very well." "Craig?" Very softly. "Yes, Wendy?" "I forgot to put on any rouge." I looked into her half-closed eyes. "Call out for pizza?", I whispered. "Later --- maybe", she panted and we undressed each other in a fraction of the time to took us to dress. The drink got spilled when we turned the coffee table over while shoving it out of the way. She pulled me on top of her as she slid to the carpet. I buried my head at her breast, and my cock in her cunt. The steaming, clinging warmth only drove me more crazy with lust. I pounded at her with short, hard, frenzied strokes, sucking her tit. "Uhhh - ufff - mmmf - hhnfff", she panted, the ferocity of my lust taking her by surprise. She finally lifted her legs to wrap them around my waist, then pushed my head away from her tit. She looked at me intensely, blue eyes boring into my soul. "Mmmm! - - Ohhh! You - like - your - femme - ohh! - fat - mmmm! - fatale - Uhhh! - don't you?" I could only grunt with each thrust. Wendy kissed me, and I tried to push my tongue through the back of her head. She broke the kiss, gasping. "Oooooh... yesss... ohhh... ohhh ... cum in my mouth! Ohhhh! - take it - out... cum in my mouth!" I pulled out of her as she had driven me well over the edge. The first stream landed on her chin, but she sat up quickly and wrapped her lips around my cock. Guttural moans came from my throat as she sucked me. Wendy pushed me over on my back and straddled me, rubbing her pussy on my deflating, but still coming, cock. She leaned forward, and I knew what she was about to do. I didn't care. I sat up, grabbed her head and passionately kissed her. I felt her stomach tighten, and she started grinding her pussy against my thigh forcefully. Little whimpers that started in her throat vibrated against my tongue, muffled by the kiss. I pulled away from her slowly, and her eyes stayed closed, opening only when it was apparent that we weren't going to kiss again. I collapsed backward on the floor. She collapsed on top of me. We were both out-of- breath, and had to wait to speak. "You like me as a femme fatale.", Wendy stated teasingly. She tickled my chest hair. "Sorry if I was a little - violent. But you were driving me crazy." "Lover, I wanted to drive you crazy. I wanted to seduce you. I didn't know that I could seduce myself. I got so hot upstairs after you got here, I had to change my panties." "You won't have to change them again tonight." My cock had started to get hard again as I thought about making her come some more, and fucking her, and the feel of her wonderful soft body against mine. I had to slow down. I gently pushed her off me, and rolled over on my side. Wendy sat up and reached for the holder and its unlit tenant. She lit it, smiling as she exhaled. "I'll be ready in a few." "We have all night." "And all day Sunday, and Monday night, and Tuesday night..." I scratched my chin, and blinked. "Wendy, what are you trying to tell me? I heard what I wanted to hear, but I'm not sure you said it." "Craig, I'm in love with you. Have been for about a year now. But I didn't think you could turn me on. I never lusted after you. See, I had this picture of my dream guy, and you're about as far away from it as I can get." "So what changed your mind?" "My dissatisfaction with Don, and our discussion about my femininity. I had no idea I could turn you on so much. Being that big a turn-on was such a rush." "And your fantasy of being a femme fatale..." "Met reality. I'll be YOUR femme fatale, because it satisfies both of us." Wendy stood up and finished smoking. I admired her long legs, and felt a chill run up my spine. I looked at her face, the eyes half-open with the look that I would come to recognize as her "freshly fucked" expression. This was going to be one of many long nights. Wendy started to walk out of the room. "By the way, Craig, I bought a couple of new cigarette holders today. Can you fix them like you did this one?" "I believe I can manage that." "Good. They're upstairs in the bedroom. Wanna see 'em?" She turned and headed for the stairway. I stood up, stretched, and followed my femme fatale as "Satin Doll" repeated itself on the stereo. �1997, 1998 Standard Internet Corp. |